Alberta Brewery Logos

When designing a logo for a brewery, it’s important to have a good understanding of the market that the brewery will be operating in. With that in mind we’ve compiled all of the brewery logos from Alberta so that it’s easy to compare them. These logos from the 152 active Alberta breweries (as of Oct. 20, 2022) are the context in which any new brewery logo design should be viewed.

We’ve displayed all of the logos in a list that you can filter down based on various design patterns that we’ve noticed.



If you’re in need of a logo for your new brewery or looking to redesign your existing brewery logo, have a look through our branding portfolio and GET IN TOUCH.

This is intended as a resource for any brewery that’s about to enter the Alberta market, or any brewery in Alberta that’s redesigning their logo.

**Note: this list doesn’t work very well on smaller screens. Give it a try on your laptop or tablet if you find the mobile version frustrating.




2nd Wind Brewery
4th Meridian Brewing Co.
33 Acres Brewing Calgary
70 Acre Brew Co.
948 Brewing Company
Ale Architect
Annex Ale Project
Apex Brewing
Arcadia Brewing Co.
Atlas Brewing
Balzac Craft Brewing Co.
Banded Peak Brewing
Banff Ave. Brewing Co.
Battle River Brewery
Beaver River Brew Co.
Bent Stick Brewing
Best of Kin Brewing
Big Beaver Brewing
Big Rock Brewery
Bitter Sisters Brewing Company
Blake Brewhouse and Distillery
Blind Enthusiasm Brewing Company
Blindman Brewing
Boiling Oar Brewing Company
Born Brewing Co.
Bottlescrew Bill's Pub
Bow River Brewing
Brewsters Brewing Company and Restaurant
Buffalo 9 Brewing Co.
Cabin Brewing Company
Campio Brewing Co.
Canadian Beaver Brewing and Distilling Co.
Canmore Brewing Company
Citizen Brewing Company
Cold Garden Brewing
Cold Lake Brewing and Distilling
Common Crown Brewing Co.
Cowtown Brewing Co.
Craft Beer Commonwealth
The Dandy Brewing Co.
Dark Woods Brewing
Delta Brewstillery
Detention Brewing Co.
Dog Island Brewing
Edmonton Brewing and Malting Co.
Eighty Eight Brewing
Elite Brewing
Endeavour Brewing Company
The Establishment Brewing Company
Evil Corporation Brewing
Fahr Brewery
Familia Brewing
Fat Unicorn Brewery
Field and Forge Brewing Co.
Fitzsimmons Brewing Co.
Folding Mountain Brewing
Four Dogs Brewing Co.
Foxtail Brewing Co.
Good Mood Brewery
GP Brewing Co.
Grain Bin Brewing Company
The Grizzly Paw Brewing Company
The Growlery Beer Company
Half Hitch Brewing Company
Hard Knox Brewery
Hawk Tail Brewery
Heilan Beer House
Hell's Basement Brewery
High Country Beer
Highline Brewing
High River Brewing Co.
Hubtown Brewing Co.
Inner City Brewing
Irrational Brewing Company
Jasper Brewing Co.
Labatt Brewing
Lakeland Brewing Company
Last Best Brewing
Last Spike Brewery
Long Hop Brewing Co.
Longroof Brewing Co.
Marda Loop Brewing Co.
Medicine Hat Brewing Co.
Meta Brewery
Minhas Micro brewery
Moonlight Bay Brewing Company
New Level Brewing
Nine In A Line Brewing Co.
Norsemen Brewing Company
Odd Company
Ol' Beautiful Brewing Company
Oldman River Brewing
Olds College Brewery
Omen Brewing
One For The Road Brewing Co.
Origin Malting and Brewing Co.
OT Brewing Co.
Paddy's Barbecue and Brewery
Partake Brewing
The Pass Beer Company
Peace River Brewing
Piston Broke Brewing
Prairie Brewing Company
Prairie Dog Brewing
Railyard Brewing
Rapid Ascent Brewing Co.
Raven Wold Brewing Co.
Red Church Brewing Co.
Red hart Brewing
Revival Brewcade
Rival Trade Brewing Co.
Rocky View Brewing Company
Sawback Brewing Co.
Screaming Toller Brewing Company
Sea Change Brewing Co.
Sheepdog Brewing
Siding 14 Brewing Co.
Situation Brewing
Six Corners Brew Works
Snake lake Brewing Company
Solutions Brewing
Something Brewing
South Block Brewing Company
Sparrowhawk Brewing Company
Spectrum Ale Works
Stonyslope Brewing Company
Stronghold Brewing Co.
Sturgeon Brewing Company
SYC Brewing
Tailgunner Brewing Company
Talking Dog Brewing
Theoretically Brewing Company
Three Bears Brewery and Restaurant
Tin Dogs Pub and Brewery
Tool Shed Brewing Company
Town Square Brewing
Township 24 Brewery
Travois Ale Works
Trial and Ale
Trolley No. 5 Brewpub
Troubled Monk Brewing
Two House Brewing
Two Pillars Brewery
Valley Brewing
Vaycay Brew Co.
Village Brewery
Wild Rose Brewery
Wild Winds Brewery
XhAle Brew Co.
Zero Issue Brewing

Just like in our blog post on How To Name Your Brewery, part of the reason we’ve compiled all of these brewery logos into one place so that it’s easy to spot patterns.

With the filter buttons on this BIG LIST it’s fairly easy to see where the white space is when it comes to Alberta Brewery logo designs. That’s not to say that you should aim for ALL of that whitespace. Going after certain categories that don’t have many entrants could be beneficial. Handwritten lettering or Monograms… lots of opportunity in both of those categories. Other categories are empty for a reason (i.e. certain shapes can be really challenging to work with.)

But you should definitely pay attention to which categories have the most entrants when considering a new logo design. 34% of the breweries in Alberta have a circular logo. Do we really need another one?

If you’re considering using a large single letter as the basis of your logo, it would be helpful to know about the 10 other breweries in Alberta already using that same approach. It might not be a great idea to use the same approach if you’re going to be focusing on one of those same letters.

Some other patterns we’ve identified:

  • 32% of the breweries included images of beer ingredients in their logos

  • 18% have text-only logo designs (“wordmarks”)

  • 17% of the breweries in Alberta have an animal in their logo

  • 14% included the date that their company was established in their logo

  • 11% have added their physical location into their logos

Now that you’re able to see the patterns, you can decide if you want your brewery’s branding to fit in or stand out.


Some definitions, if needed…

  • Handwritten: logos with lettering that looks truly handwritten, as opposed to a cursive typeface

  • Wordmarks: logo designs that only use text, no illustration or decorative elements

  • Monograms: a symbol made by overlapping or combining two or more letters

  • Place Names: breweries that added their location to their logo

    • this does not include those that are named after their location, like Medicine Hat Brewing, Cold Lake Brewing, etc.

  • Ingredients: breweries that included beer ingredients in their logo design


You can download a large version that includes all of the logos in one image.


If you’re in need of a logo for your new brewery, or looking to redesign your existing brewery logo, have a look through our branding portfolio and get in touch.

Leif MiltenbergerBranding